Seven Strong Reasons to Join a Homeschool Co-op or Membership!

As every mother realizes pretty quickly, I noticed I was never alone. I drink early morning coffees holding a sleepy baby in one hand. Cooking breakfast is a pantomime of toddlers clambering atop kitchen counters and cabinets. A simple trip to the bathroom is not without a troupe following me in and engaging in merry conversation. The rest of the day carries on the same way, baby on my back & children underfoot until my husband comes home. Yet another person to join me as we bring our busy day to a close with dinner, bath-time (again, not without baby) & then bed.

You may find it somewhat ironic that I found myself feeling rather alone. Tucked away in my own home, isolated from the world around. Homeschooling mothers often find themselves in such a juxtaposition - lonely, yet never alone.

Homeschooling in uncharted territory can magnify this feeling of loneliness. To be thrust in the throes of working full-time jobs while simultaneously educating children is a daunting...

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Grab Our FREE Guide on Choosing Curriculum:

"What do I teach my children? Where do I begin?
There are so many options & I'm totally overwhelmed!"

This step in the homeschooling process can be so
paralyzing. I have received these questions more
times than I can count & I can remember having the
same questions myself.

I have created this guide to help you weed through
the options. I want you to have some focus and
direction when you are scouring the internet for the
best options for your family.

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